I write.​
Novels, screenplays, short stories, & flash
On writing, self-publishing, & other topics​
​I guide other authors.​
Developmental consulting; comprehensive and line editing; proofing
Interior and cover design of books
How to purchase ISBNs, set up your own account to self-publish, register your copyright, etc.​
Workshops and Presentations
On writing and self-publishing.
Research, Analysis, Writing & Editing
I also do professional writing and editing for businesses and non-profits. My Master's degree from NAU focused on professional writing and editing and provided practice in writing and editing a variety of documents for specific audiences. Combined with my other education and experience, I am well-prepared to write and edit:
non-fiction including textbooks
social histories for sentence mitigation
grant proposals
user manuals/technical info for non-specialists
scripts for instruction or advertising
fiction, including picture books, novels, stories, and scripts
other projects welcome​