I started blogging when I was an exchange student in Peru (2012 - I was the same age as my "mama" but everyone got used to me and it was a blast - check out some of the video). When I decided to include blogs on writing, I started with a series that described my evolution as a writer that I had originally been available for media on my old website (the one I built with Word). I skimmed over them and realize this really has been a central part of me my entire life. I'll probably go back and read some of them closely before New Year's Eve, the traditional night for planning goals for the next year (though they're already bubbling on the back burner).
Go ahead and take a look.
"Writing Life" includes my perspectives as a writer and as an editor and book shepherd. I considered dividing them, but too many would have fit both categories.
"Reviews" and "Fiction" are self-explanatory.
"Travel Adventures" needs some more posts from my trip to India last year, but Peru, Ireland, Italy, and a few other places are featured. There's some overlap with Writing Life, too, when the travel was for a conference but had unrelated perks.
"Other Stuff" is anything that goes outside those categories - partially or completely. This lovely year of 2020 I've made a point of posting positive news items when I see them.
Well, the next post is going to be about my new books, but it's late. Tomorrow will do.